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Nick started playing bass at age 16.

At age 17, he switched his focus to singing, where he co-fronted and founded the band Nocturnal Emission (which Josh Puit was the drummer for).  After Nick was kicked out of Nocturnal Emission due to creative differences, his focus switched to guitar.

After Nick's departure from N.E., he started writing and recording original music with Josh.  The two jammed the same original music with many different members over the next seven years.

Nick stopped focusing on music in the summer of 2009 with the birth of his daughter, Mackenzie.  Nick became a stay at home Dad, where his focus was 100% on his family.  In 2010, Nick became a father again with the birth of his second daughter, Cassidy.

In 2012, Andy Wenner reached out to Nick to start a cover band to play at a punk rock festival called, Rocket to Allentown.  Nick (bass) and Andy (guitar) formed Fourth But First, with Joel "Pony" Curtiss filling in on drums until they could find a full time drummer.  In March of 2013, Nick and Andy decided that Fourth But First was only going to be a once a year project.  Nick and Andy welcomed Josh to join Fourth But First as a fun project.

In 2013, Mike Morris answered Nicks ad on craigslist for a bassist looking for a band.  Nick was then welcomed to Jekyl & Hyde as their full time bassist. 


Upon Jekyl & Hyde ending, Nick continued on with Mike Morris, Josh Puit, and Scott Lisinski as Moments End.



Nick Landers


Sterling by Music Man - SB14

Martin Performing Artist DCPA4


Gallien-Krueger MB115-II 200W 1X15 Ultralight Bass Combo Amp

Korg Pitchblack Chromatic Pedal Tuner

Audio-Technica ATW-1101G - Guitar Wireless


SPB-3 Quarter Pound Precision Bass Pickups

DiMarzio 2" Nylong ClipLock Guitar Strap

Monster Instrument Cables

D'Addario Strings

Dunlop Picks

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